Our Founder

A ‘get things sorted’ man, who kept his finger on the pulse of day to day business.

With more than two decades of experience in the civil engineering, building services and construction industries coupled with twenty years of digital and web production know-how Roofing Kits Direct was born from this expertise

Whilst his business background in senior management, problem and project resolution is highly advantageous to our customers, his pragmatic set up of the business included valuable time installing rubber and fibreglass roofs himself in order to fully understand our customers and their project requirements.

Our Marketing Manager – Kimberley Harper

Kimberley is our Marketing and Social Media Manager.

An advocate for ‘women in roofing’ Kim has previously been intimately involved within the roofing industry guiding both a fibreglass roofing installation business and a fibreglass roofing materials operation.

Kim takes great credit for generating the RKD ethics of simplicity, product quality and provision of choice in this area championing the kits philosophy from whence the business takes its name.

A strong media and communication professional Kim also leapt at the chance to train in EPDM installation and is proud to be a certified installer herself.

Our Accounts and Financial Team

As we have stated ours is very much a family run business.

As such our team and care profile is very high.

Despite being integral parts of our team a wish to remain firmly in the background is appreciated – so sorry, no pics and personal promos

This doesn’t however stop us from just letting you all know how important and highly experienced they are and how vital their input is to both business, supplier and customer.

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