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Arboflex Primer

ARBOFLEX PU PRIMER is a single component, low viscosity, high solids content polyurethane resin. It has been specifically designed to increase bonding and improve the surface leveling of concretes prior to the application of ARBOFLEX PU.

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Product Information

Arboflex primer is used mostly before installing Arboflex PU waterproofing liquid to concrete substrates

Product Features

  • Single component polyurethanebased resin.
  • Requires a flat, clean, dry and solid surface.
  • Can be applied on porous surfaces: concrete, cement, and on plywood.
  • Can be diluted in support of low absorption.
  • Depending on the condition of the surface to be treated, the yield can vary between 100~200 g/m2, in one or several thin layers (do not apply thick coats). • In applications onto existing PUA and PU membranes, the consumption will be between 50-100 g/m2.
  • Can be applied with a brush or a roller.
  • Can be applied on surfaces with a maximum surface humidity of 5%.
  • Do not apply to surfaces that are damp or exuding water from the interior of the substrate (water pressure due to phreatic level, condensation leaks, etc.).
  • Can be applied in combination with mineral particles (silica sand) on very uneven surfaces.
  • High solids content.
  • Translucent.
  • Excellent bond on porous surfaces, and a final dry time of just 2-3 Hours at 23 degrees.

Product Application

  • It is specifically designed to increase the adherence and improve planimetry of the substrates where ARBOFLEX waterproofing liquid system will be applied.
  • To apply on porous substrates such as concrete, mortar, or on plywood.
  • Highly recommended as a bonding material on waterproofing membrane repairs, refurbishments and overlap work.

Primer SDS
478.95 KB

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Primer TDS
658.04 KB

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